CTSAMVM convened a board meeting in Juba today, the 40th since the signing of the R-ARCSS five and a half years ago.

During his opening remarks, CTSAMVM Chairperson Maj. Gen. Hailu Gonna Eddosa said that he is pleased to note that there have been no significant ceasefire issues since the last board meeting three weeks ago. However, CTSAMVM can also report no concrete progress concerning the NUF, as less than a quarter of Phase 1 army NUF who graduated from Training Centres between August 2022 and January 2023 have been deployed. Maj. Gen. Hailu stated, “CTSAMVM is aware that a team from the JDB has been visiting some Cantonment Sites and Training Centres, but there are no indications when Phase 2 training and deployment might start. Cantonment Site and Training Centre Commanders continue to report a lack of any information about what will happen next.”

At the last CTSAMVM Board meeting several members expressed concern about alleged violations committed by SSPDF forces during disarmament operations in Gondokoro Payam over Christmas and the New Year. CTSAMVM has completed a report into this which was discussed at the CTC a week ago, and presented it to the board today. This is the 13th CTSAMVM Report presented to the Board since regular meetings recommenced in January 2024 and the 7th which concerns violations committed by ill-disciplined armed soldiers.

There were several ongoing issues and investigations discussed during the meeting, one of which concerned a fatal clash between SSPDF and SPLM/A-IO personnel near Wunaliet Cantonment Site on 12 February 2024. Maj. Gen. Hailu said that the investigation has been impeded because the SPLM/A-IO leadership in Wunaliet Cantonment Site declined to cooperate with CTSAMVM, and denied access to the site of the incident. “I am hoping this will be resolved, and would like to use this opportunity to remind all Parties that CTSAMVM is guaranteed freedom of movement and access under the R-ARCSS, and should expect the full cooperation of the Parties”, he stated.

Maj. Gen. Hailu also emphasized the issue of downsizing, which was discussed at previous CTC and board meetings, saying, “The IGAD Executive Secretary has written to the Principals about this. The MVTs in Torit and Bor have now been closed, and their areas of responsibility are shared between MVTs Juba, Malakal, and Bentiu. This issue was discussed at the CTC, members of which complained in the strongest terms despite having been informed three months in advance that downsizing was inevitable.” He added that unless funding becomes available, there will be no changes.

CTSAMVM continues to experience logistic challenges resulting from the difficulties of accessing helicopter support, and the condition of some of the vehicles. However, the operations staff in the Headquarters, and the International Observers and National Monitors in the field, are working very hard to overcome these challenges. CTSAMVM continues to actively fulfill its mandate.

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