On 12 March 2024, CTSAMVM held its Technical Committee meeting in Juba where the Chairperson delivered his remarks.

Maj. Gen. Hailu Gonfa Eddosa stated that there have been no significant ceasefire incidents in the past month and no concrete developments concerning the NUF. “The formation of the NUF is a vital prerequisite for the upcoming elections as only about 6% of the planned 83,000-strong NUF have been deployed. Time is running out. Action must be taken”. Adding that, “On a positive note, CTSAMVM has evidence that at least some of those members of the NUF from the SPLM/A-IO and SSOA who have been deployed are now receiving their salaries. There were disturbances in Yambio last week when some NUF soldiers were not paid. This issue was resolved and all soldiers in the unit received salaries.”

One violation report was discussed during the meeting which concerned violations against civilians in Gondokoro committed by SSPDF personnel engaged in disarmament operations over Christmas and the New Year. Maj. Gen. Hailu stated, “Discipline is a command responsibility, and CTSAMVM recommends that senior officers be held to account for the actions of their personnel and that all soldiers are educated in their responsibilities within both military and civil law, and their obligations under the R-ARCSS to protect civilians.”

Several ongoing issues and incidences were also discussed during the meeting, as CTSAMVM MVTs continue to be very active in the field. This is reflected in CTSAMVM daily and weekly reports, and evidenced by the number and frequency of patrols, investigations, and visits. Maj. Gen. Hailu said that he is pleased with what CTSAMVM is continuing to achieve despite the logistic and resource challenges the mission has to contend with.

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