Composition and Functions

The CTSAMVM works under the leadership of Major  General Yitayal Gelaw of Ethiopia. The CTSAMVM is generously supported by IGAD Member States and the IGAD Partners Forum, as well as through financial and in-kind contributions from, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the People’s Republic of China, Norway, Netherlands and Japan.

There are over 108 CTSAMVM personnel from more than the  15 different countries, based at the CTSAMVM Headquarters in Juba and in our Monitoring and Verification Teams (MVTs) in 6 of the most conflict-affected areas of South Sudan.

The CTSAMVM Chairperson is supported by a Deputy, and a team of Advisors and Operations staff who coordinate the work of the MVTs and assist in investigations. CTSAMVM staff also engage with key partners such as IGAD, the African Union and UNMISS, as well as other stakeholders including humanitarian organizations, Party representatives, community leaders, donors and members of the international community.

CTSAMVM MVTs are deployed in Bentiu, Juba, Malakal, Wau, Yei and Yambio. The MVTs can be deployed anywhere at short notice and will ensure deteriorating security situations in which civilians at risk are prioritized. Security and some logistical support for the teams is provided by UNMISS.

Each MVT consists of a team leader, monitors and support staff. The monitors, the majority of whom are former or currently serving military officers, are skilled in investigation techniques and have received training in the implementation of the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements, as well as international humanitarian and human rights law. They are especially sensitive to issues of gender-based violence and child soldier recruitment, among other aspects of civilian protection.

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