In commemoration of International Women’s day, the Protection of Civilians cluster led by the CTSAMVM Head of Gender Dr Yasmin Elhashmi organised a one day workshop in Juba today under the theme “Women united for peace in South Sudan”.

The workshop was an opportunity to discuss about the gender reports that we have been focusing on for the past year as well as to enhance collaboration with our various partners. The 50 participants were from the diplomatic community, Civil society organizations, UN, the Security Sector as well as representatives of the CTSAMVM board.

Dr Yasmin welcomed the participants to the workshop and encouraged the participation of women in the peace process. “It is clear that women have been marginalized in various ways during and after conflict, hence mainstreaming gender analysis of conflict and peace is very important”.

Speaking during the opening session on behalf of the Chairperson, The Deputy Chief of Staff- Col. Edmund Agaba said “CTSAMVM remains committed to promoting inclusive participation for all South Sudanese in the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and specifically on Chapter II. We will continue our efforts to fully discharge our monitoring, verification and reporting mandate and we remain committed to promoting the protection of civilians, particularly women, children, and people with special needs”.

The Norway Ambassador Linken Berryman who was the guest of honor said “I have met many impressive women here and I have been amazed at the strength and resilience of the women of South Sudan. That is certainly something to celebrate on a day like this”. She added, “South Sudan remains one of the countries in the world where it is most dangerous to be a woman. The R-ARCSS contains special provisions designed to ensure participation of women in South Sudanese society. It is critical to ensure citizens are key players in the monitoring process of the R-ARCSS”.

International women’s day is celebrated every 8th of March worldwide.

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