His Excellency Ambassador Ma Qiang, met with the outgoing and newly appointed chairperson of the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism at the Embassy of China in Juba on 22 May 2024

In a significant diplomatic engagement, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to South Sudan, His Excellency Ambassador Ma Qiang, met with the outgoing and newly appointed chairperson of the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism at the Embassy of China in Juba on 22 May 2024.

Both the outgoing chairperson Maj. Gen. Hailu Gonfa and incoming chairperson Maj. Gen. Yitayal Gelaw expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the steadfast support that China has rendered to CTSAMVM to enable it to execute its mandate.

China has been one of CTSAMVM’s long-time donors. They have provided vital in-kind, financial, and political support, not only to CTSAMVM but to the peace process in South Sudan.

“I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to CTSAMVM Chinese in-kind personnel for their tireless efforts,” said Maj. Gen. Hailu. “Your service has been indispensable and highly appreciated. You have been great ambassadors not only for CTSAMVM, but for the peace process in general.”

Ambassador Ma noted the importance of Chapter II, as it concerns security arrangements in South Sudan. He assured the visiting delegation that the Embassy of China in Juba will continue to work with CTSAMVM and appreciated the work CTSAMVM has done during Maj. Gen. Hailu’s leadership.

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