CTSAMVM Chairperson Pays Courtesy Call on H.E Timo Olkkonen

(7/9/2023-Juba-South Sudan)-The Chairperson of  CTSAMVM Maj Gen Hailu Gonfa, today paid a courtesy call on the EU Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan H.E Timo Olkkonen at the EU offices in Juba. He was accompanied by the Chief of Operations, Col Mutaz Mohamed, and the Programs Manager, Musoke George.

Major General Hailu Gonfa updated the Ambassador on the operational situation of CTSAMVM and discussed current and future support.

He thanked the European Union for their unwavering Political and Financial support extended to CTSAMVM over the years, which has made it possible for CTSAMVM to undertake the extraordinary task of Monitoring, Verifying, and Reporting on the implementation of Chapter II of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

The European Union remains CTSAMVM’s biggest donor following the withdrawal of the American support.

Maj Gen Hailu reiterated that the EU Support including other donors is important for the mechanism, particularly during the period to the run-up to the elections.

“It is necessary to support CTSAMVM to stay engaged, to address violations of the PCTSA, and to continue to monitor the situation on the ground during what will be a crucial period in the run-up to elections.”

H.E Ambassador Timon Olkkonen said that the E U is in support to see to it that CTSAMVM continues with its operations to the end of the transitional period, especially during the coming elections.

He also pointed out the importance of CTSAMVM continuing to generate reports despite the numerous challenges it is facing.

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