Expressing gratitude for IGAD’s crucial political and financial support.

On August 22, 2024, Major General Yitayal Gelaw, Chairman of CTSAMVM, met with Mr. Abebe Muluneh, Acting Director of IGAD’s Peace and Security Division. Major General Gelaw updated Mr. Abebe on Chapter 2 of the R-ARCSS, the PCTSA, and CTSAMVM’s activities, expressing gratitude for IGAD’s crucial political and financial support. He highlighted the importance of maintaining the ceasefire, addressed delays in the Unification of the National Unified Forces (NUF), and raised concerns about conducting credible elections without a reliable security framework. Mr. Abebe praised CTSAMVM’s efforts, emphasized the need to conclude the transitional period with an elected government, and reaffirmed IGAD’s commitment to supporting the peace process.

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